Sunday 28 August 2011

BBQ Day... hooray!

The rain has stopped and we found an amazing Polish supermarket on Beverley road. We bought some amazing sausages and are planning to have a barbie this afternoon.

Got a few jobs to do still. The lawns need cutting (worse luck) and the business admin needs looking at as we are rapidly collecting a heap of fileable paperwork.

Still, the prospect of one of GGs famous barbies should keep me going until later.

Here is a picture of some Polish sausages..... not sure why..... I just can't wait for them I suppose.
Mmmm, Kielbasa. (Pronounced kee-o-bass-a)
Polish sausage is pure meat, no grissle, no biscuit meal, just meat. By slicing it a little before cooking to release some of the juices and (caution, Polish father-in-law tip incoming) take a few sprigs of conifer (for the piney smell) and place them at the edge of the barbie (don't let them burn, do let them smoke) and put a lid on the whole affair. After about 10 minutes, turn the sausages over and replace the conifer sprigs with new ones. 10 minutes later... mmm barbeque heaven. Enjoy!

Sorry for the Delia Smith-esque blog. Will try to get back on message next time.

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